Once Upon a Time, in the mid 70s to be exact, God sent down from the heavens a band of 5 rock n’ roll warriors clad in white. Their mission was to spread the gospel of rock n’ roll across the globe, and with a bombastic stage show to boot. The band was called Angel. After 5 albums and endless touring, the band retreated back to the heavens, eager that they would one day rise again to play their heavenly music for a whole new generation of “Rock and Rollers”. Alas, that day came 40 years later.
Equipped with a new lineup, classic guitarist Punky Meadows and singer Frank DiMino bestowed upon the masses Risen (2019). It was an album that many believed would never happen. Not only this, but it was shockingly very strong. Despite all their decades out of the hard rock limelight, Meadows and DiMino proved they still had the goods on their respective instruments, and were capable of penning new compositions on par with the old. Its only downside was its tedious 75 minute running time, but hey, when you’ve been gone for as long as Angel has, chances are you’ve got A LOT to say.
Fast forward a few years, a slew of packed shows, and a global pandemic later, and Angel continues to stand tall with the sophomore outing of their reunion era, Once Upon a Time. Once again, Punky, Frank, and the rest of the gang have walloped us with an entertaining collection of tunes that lie somewhere between hard rock, prog, and power pop, with musical tropes and production straight out of 1977. Any other band this daring would likely run the risk of being labelled musically schizophrenic, but hey man, it was the 70s. Post-Beatles, experimentation was key, and bands like Angel (and City Boy for that matter) made their bones on deviating from the status quo (normalcy, not the band).
The strongest moments on Once Upon a Time run the musical gamut. Heavy rockers like “Psyclone” and “Without You” showcase Punky Meadows’ knack for weighty riffage and smokin’ hot solos, slaying the posers who dismiss him as merely a pretty face. The epic “The Torch” channels the regal pomp of the band’s debut, grabbing the listener by the throat with its over the top arrangement and old school musical nuances, while “It’s Alright” is absolute 70s arena rock bliss, only missing 20,000 denim-clad burnouts with their fists pumping in the air. And then there’s feelgood slabs of power pop like the carefree “Turn the Record Over” and tongue in cheek “Daddy’s Girl”, both of which sound like lost songs from the Sinful era.
While already a band of talented musicians, the new Angel has grown even tighter on Once Upon a Time. I specifically can’t emphasize enough the performance of keyboardist Charlie Calv, whose larger than life key lines and zany synth noises recall those of the legendary Gregg Giuffria in his prime. Like Risen, there are a few cuts here that don’t cut the mustard, but I can’t get too mad, especially considering Angel aren’t trying to be something they aren’t. These albums aren’t rehashes of what once was, but rather a continuation that does their legacy proud. Let’s hope they keep it up for another 3 albums, if only to match their initial quintology.
7 out of 10
Label: Cleopatra Records
Genre: Hard Rock
For fans of: Deep Purple, Starz, New England
I love this whole album !!! Every song kills it.
What songs don’t cut the mustard ??
“Rock Star”, “Let the Kid Out”, and “Blood of My Blood, Bone of My Bone” feel a little out of place, but are by no means “bad” songs. I just feel other cuts on here are stronger.
I get it. But “let the Kid out” has that Slade riff in it ( Run Run Away)…. Makes the song cool.
Blood of My Blood just goes on too long at the end. Good song but just a touch repetitive at the end. I like that they tried new things though.
I can see “Let the Kid Out” being an acquired taste.The cool tie to the kids choir on the “Winter Song” lets me go with it! I think “Rockstar” can grow on you, but does feel a little generic. “Blood of My Blood” is absolutely stunning I think the amazing thing about it, is how it doesn’t feel out of place, as with almost every song on this album, most of which are very diverse. It reminds me of an older Queen album. The sleeper is ” Without You” ..which is real true ANGEL Rock N Roll!The title track is Amazing! I’m Def 10 out of 10 for the LP. 9 out of 10 for the CD.
I have been an Angel Fan since I was 15, that started 45 years ago.On April 28th, at Whiskey a Go Go, in Los Angeles, was one the best nights of my life. My bestie ( we discovered Angel together)and I started our night at their Meet and Greet, let me just say, it was an honor and privilege to meet these 5 Rockers, who are down to earth, and made us feel , like we are part of the family. The evening was amazing with other bands, we got to see before Angel came on Stage.
The sounds of both Old and New mixed together was like a Rock Solid Marriage.
I can’t wait to see them again, but the greatest thing is , I am now Facebook friends with Angel. Silly as it sounds this is experience my version of Wining the Lottery.
You’re one HELLUVA Band, Angel, and I love you guys.