Somewhere between a frenzied crossroads of breakneck rage, Cianide-esque intensity, and utter insanity lies Cardiac Arrest: Chicago’s resident purveyors of meat and potatoes death metal for well over 20 years running. Their ascension from the demented vision of founder Adam Scott to one of the most respected names in the death metal underground has been nothing short of glorious, each album hitting harder than the last. This rise was largely thanks to not just a ton of hard work, but two critically acclaimed albums in A Parallel Dimension of Despair (2018) and The Day That Death Prevailed (2020). What these two albums also had in common were more “thought out” compositions and increasing flourishes of death/doom. Which is why for their latest album, The Stench of Eternity, Cardiac Arrest have gone back to the basics.
I’m not going to go so far to call Stench a step back, as in most cases that phrase carries a negative connotation. However, if you’re like me and remember the unbridled bloodlust of releases like Morgue Mutilations (2006) and Haven for the Insane (2010), then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about when describing the pure derangement of this latest collection of songs. There’s no brainless trend-hopping, hardcore posturing, or instrumental breathers to be found on Stench: Just pure death metal Cardiac style, and that’s exactly how I like it.
One aspect of Stench that can’t be emphasized enough is its dense, suffocating atmosphere. From the opening fury of “Maggotbrain”, Cardiac Arrest takes no prisoners, dead set on brutalizing the listener in every which way possible. Death/thrash/doom bruisers like “Victims to the Blasphemy” and “Means to an End” showcase why the Autopsy formula remains so compelling 35 years later, while neck-snappers like “Beg, Plead, Crawl”, “Bullets are the Only Cure”, and “Born to Be Buried” come off as descendants of Slayer’s Hell Awaits and Dark Angel’s Leave Scars. There’s an undeniable thrashing rage to their delivery, yet the riffs are deadly as all hell, the latter aspect being what holds this album together.
Maybe it’s just my ear, but another staple of Stench is its rotten, lo-fi production. Admittedly, Cardiac Arrest is a band who has never received the Mutt Lange treatment (and thank God never will), but there’s a sonic rawness on this effort that I haven’t noticed in nearly a decade, which further emphasizes the brutality of the affair. Speaking of brutality, I was very taken aback by the 10+ minute death/doom epic that is “From Civilized to Sadistic”. Constructing a song of this nature is one thing. Keeping the listener’s attention is another. Cardiac succeeds at both, especially during the downright bludgeoning latter half.
For those whose hearts and noses can handle it, Cardiac Arrest have conceived yet another death metal monument in The Stench of Eternity. What more could you ask for? The riffs are deadly. The hooks are deadly. The production is deadly. It’s death metal at its utter deadliest, and don’t let some slamming br00tal band of bozos who just formed last week try and persuade you otherwise. Cardiac Arrest are the real deal. Just ask Michael Jackson!
8 out of 10
Label: Hells Headbangers Records
Genre: Death Metal
For fans of: Autopsy, Cianide, Grave