Corpus Offal – Corpus Offal

It’s hard to believe its been a little over half a decade since the OSDM boom of the late ’10s. It feels just like yesterday you nerds were denying having ever thrashed it up to the likes of Sacred Reich or Atrophy in an effort to look cool amidst your new tape trading friends. Admittedly, 6-7 years isn’t the longest period of time, but it is long enough to kickstart the conversation regarding which bands from the movement “made it” (i.e. Sanguisugabogg, Blood Incantation) and which bands have since fallen into the “whatever happened to” category. Fetid and Cerebral Rot are two bands who fall into the latter.

Although their Metal Archives page claims they are active, Fetid haven’t played a show since 2023, and haven’t released any new music since 2019, so make of that what you will. As for Cerebral Rot, they unfortunately called it a day just last year, which is a shame because they absolutely destroyed at the 2023 edition of Metal Threat. However, guitarist/vocalist Ian Schwab and guitarist Clyle Lindstrom (also of Fetid) have given us the next best thing in their latest venture, Corpus Offal. Joining them in this latest venture are Bell Witch drummer Jesse Shreibman (yes, he can do more than plod) and bassist Jason Sachs, who at one point was in USBM demigods, Demoncy.

Corpus Offal’s self titled debut album picks up right where Cerebral Rot left off, treating us to a crushing collection of old school death metal ragers that lie somewhere between the goriness of Autopsy and dissonance of Immolation. Not only that, but like Cerebral Rot before them, Corpus Offal’s songs lie on the lengthier side, at times coming off as absolutely punishing. This is especially the case on death/doom leaning cuts like “Ripened Psychosis” and the closing “Secreted Effluence (Spilling)”, the latter clocking in at a little over 12 minutes. If the rest of the album doesn’t reduce you to a pulp, these two most certainly will!

There are some excellent slabs of Autopsy worship in the form of “Essence of Dissolution” and “Gorging Gastric Decedent”, both giving me Acts of the Unspeakable vibes in terms of riff, delivery, and overall attack. The opening (excluding the “(Into) Purging Creation” intro) “Spinous Forms of Moral Abhorrence” does a fine job setting the mood with its bleak, murky aura absolutely dominating, and the same can be said for the band’s anthem/title track, which might just be the defining moment of this affair. “Corpus Offal” is quite the sprawling epic, never settling on any one given riff or tempo for too long, and emboldened by an absolutely lethal mix, in which the guitars are pulverizing and bass is absolutely gut-churning.

In all honesty, I did find myself a tad worn out by the end of Corpus Offal, and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. This ain’t no “feelgood, roll your windows down and smile” listen. This is death metal with an emphasis on death, drawing upon the traditions of yesteryear, yet without sounding too similar to any one given band or album. Sure, there are shades of the aforementioned Autopsy and Immolation, and perhaps even a hint of Morbid Angel scattered about, but it’s hard to listen to a death metal album and NOT hear said influences. Above all, you’ll hear Cerebral Rot reborn, and cerebral rot is exactly what you’ll endure upon repeated listens. Buyer beware!

7 out of 10

Label: 20 Buck Spin

Genre: Death Metal

For fans of: Cerebral Rot, Fetid, Autopsy

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