Cryptum – Enter the Cryptum

It’s been way too long since I’ve reviewed a death metal demo. How long? So long that I can’t even remember the last time I did so. Perhaps it was when I reviewed Granulated’s debut demo way back in September? Ironically enough, today’s featured band ALSO hails from Joliet, Illinois. Not only that, but their drummer (Kyle Pooley) also plays in Molder, who is fronted by Granulated mastermind, Aaren Pantke. As the old song goes, “It’s a small world after all!”

Cryptum are the latest challengers to the death metal throne. This filthy five piece unleashes pure chaos on their debut demo, Enter the Cryptum. In true demo fashion, it clocks in at just under 10 minutes and boasts about as lo-fi of a production as one could achieve in 2021. The audio slaughter begins with “Infector (Seeking Sentience)”. Its thick, groovy Suffocation style intro would have you think you were listening to a brutal death metal band, but not before a barrage of d-beats take centerstage. This is meat and potatoes death metal with an extra helping of raw meat.

“Cryptum” oozes of that dark, sinister Blessed Are the Sick era Morbid Angel atmosphere. It’s mid tempo and merciless, filled with low, heavy riffs. Closing it all out is “Postmortem Interval”. This no nonsense knuckle dragger contains a lead riff that’s an easy contender for “most ignorant riff of the year”. Like “Infector (Seeking Sentience)”, “Postmortem Interval” also features some brutal chugging, though slam this is not.

Though not as immediately convincing as Molder and Cemetery Filth (few are), Cryptum does a fine job establishing their sound and style on Enter the Cryptum. It be the first time I’m writing about them on this site, but something tells me it won’t be the last. With a proper production and full length album, these maniacs will have the potential to drag everyone into the Cryptum.

6 out of 10

Label: Sewer Rot Records

Genre: Death Metal

For fans of: Suffocation, Morbid Angel, Dying Fetus