As much as I enjoy reviewing albums, sometimes I just can’t bare to sit through 40 minutes of *insert trend hopping band’s album here* or *insert veteran band going modern here*. It’s in these desperate times that I can thankfully resort to a wide array of splits, EPs, and demos via Bandcamp. Sure, most of it is garbage one man black metal or stoner/doom projects. But every now and then you’ll come across a needle in the haystack like Disrotter.
There’s no frills, gimmicks, or trends on their debut demo, Plague. Only gut wrenching grind in the form of three original songs: “Walking Plague”, “Turmoil Fixation”, and “Unsoundness of Mind”. These tracks exude the pissed off energy of Brutal Truth and Terrorizer, while also not skimping on brutal riffage. Aside from the occasional D-beat, it’s blastbeats galore. The icing on this contemptible cake is the layer of crusty filth to their sound. Major credit goes to Yavé Rust and extreme metal’s resident Renaissance man, Joel Grind, for capturing Disrotter’s grinding fury.
Speaking of Terrorizer, Plague closes with a cover of their classic song, “Storm of Stress”. It’s a by the numbers cover, but I wouldn’t want anything more. World Downfall (1989) is one of those masterpiece albums you don’t mess with. Disrotter knows this and properly pays homage to these gods of grind.
If you’re having a bad day and the punching bag just isn’t cutting it, check out Plague. Anger management has never been more blast laden.
6 out of 10
Label: Independent
Genre: Grindcore
For fans of: Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death