I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Alessandro Del Vecchio is the busiest guy in melodic rock. Whether it be in a musical, writing, or production capacity, his name graces at least one album I review a month. Taking this into consideration, I’m beyond delighted that this month’s entry in the ever-growing ADV canon is not from merely another side project or supergroup, but rather the heart and soul of his musical existence, Edge of Forever. Yes, Edge of Forever, who we last heard from only a year and a half ago with the brilliant Seminole.
What was most interesting about this last EoF album was the band’s attempt at prog metal in the form of its 4 part, 10 minute title track. There’s no denying the individual members of EoF were more than musically capable to handle a suite of such magnitude. That said, many wondered if it would aesthetically work coming from a band best known for short, punch metallized AOR anthems. As far as I’m concerned, it did, and I couldn’t help but wonder how much farther they’d go down this road on subsequent release. Well folks, we have our answer in the form of Ritual.
Ritual‘s first half is dominated by the classic melodic metal sound we know and love from this band. “Where Are You” kicks things off in grand fashion, sounding like something off Lionsheart’s debut with its larger than life riffage and retro atmosphere. “Water Be My Path” and “Love is the Only Answer” check off the obligatory power ballad box, the former boasting more power than the latter, while “The Last One” and “Forever’s Unfolding” are meat and potatoes heavy AOR at its heartiest. My favorite, however, is easily the Yngwie Malmsteen flavored “Freeing My Will”. Sounding like a lost cut off Odyssey, one can’t help but dream of what could be if Malmsteen hired ADV as a songwriter (and singer for that matter).
The second half of Ritual consists of its ambitious title suite. Whereas “Seminole” was 4 parts and 10 minutes, “Ritual” is 7 parts and nearly 20 minutes. Expanding upon the spiritual themes of the last couple EoF albums, “Ritual” is a prog-power journey with no shortage of twists and turns. Its hooky melodies and the powerhouse vocals of ADV are what tie it all together, but the players themselves deliver an absolute clinic in musical wizardry, especially guitarist Aldo Lonobile. Having joined the band upon their 2019 resurrection, Lonobile’s Blackmore meets Maiden stylings really give EoF a swift kick in the rear, as heard here on “Ritual”.
While Ritual doesn’t have the same immediate draw that Seminole did, I’d be lying if I said it was anything less than a great melodic metal album. The band tears up a storm and ADV can write future classics in his sleep, as if you didn’t know so from Hardline’s post-reunion output already. Considering the current trajectory of the band, I wouldn’t be surprised if their next album was a full blown prog metal affair, in which case I’ll be patiently awaiting with arms folded and snobbery intact (sarcasm, anyone?).
7 out of 10
Label: Frontiers Records
Genre: Melodic Heavy Metal
For fans of: Eclipse, Yngwie Malmsteen, Savatage