Eternal Rot – Putridarium

I’m usually the first to gripe about monotony in metal. Unless you’re AC/DC, Motörhead, or some other niche act that can get away with putting out the same album for decades on end, don’t waste my time. That said, there are some bands who have a certain formula down so good, it’s better they stick to it than attempt to “expand their sound”. This, my friends, is where today’s featured band and album come into play.

Meet Eternal Rot. With members hailing from the United Kingdom and Poland, this international trio delivers some devastatingly heavy death/doom on their second album, Putridarium. Matter of fact, Putridarium is quite a fitting name for this album. I couldn’t think of a better word to describe the riffs and vocals throughout than…putrid.  Right off the bat, Putridarium grabs you with “Downward Among the Departed”. It opens with a riff so bouncy and catchy, I can’t help but scowl in approval. This nearly nine minute dirge varies between the opening mid tempo riff, a slow section, and an even slower section, before doing it all over again.

Next up is “Serenity Through Maniacal Flagellation with Decomposing Limbs”. The only way to live up to such a gruesomely titled song is with equally gruesome riffs. Of course Eternal Rot knows this and does so. Amplifying the heaviness of the riffs throughout are the gory vocals of frontman, Grindak. They’re similar in approach to Polish grind legends, Squash Bowels. Ironically, Eternal Rot boasts the talents of former Squash Bowels drummer, Psychoradek. The last two songs, “Endless Stream of Coffins” and “Descent into Torment” continue the formula laid down on “Downward”. They’re slow, miserable, and certainly not for everyone. This is music to fester to.

Eternal Rot have certainly carved a place for themselves at the table of contemporary death/doom. Putridarium is not the most dynamic death/doom album you’ll hear this year, but it’s bound to put you six feet under…even if for 30 minutes.

7 out of 10

Label: Godz of War Productions

Genre: Death/Doom Metal

For fans of: Coffins, Hooded Menace, Funeral Leech