Intranced – Muerte y Metal

Has the so-called NWOTHM been going on for so long that we now have NWOTHM supergroups? Indeed it has, which begs another question: If the “New Wave” of Traditional Heavy Metal has been going strong for easily a decade plus and running, is it really still “new”? Or should we coin new terminology, describing bands like Enforcer, Cauldron, etc. as the “first wave” of the NWOTHM? In case this paragraph thus far hasn’t given you full blown brainrot, allow me to introduce you to this latest NWOTHM phenom, who hails from, you guessed it, California. I’m talking about Intranced.

Consisting of former White Wizzard/Holy Grail vocalist James-Paul Luna, Fortress/Witherfall guitarist Fili “Yngwie Malmsteen Jr.” Bibiano (a rightful nickname, if I must say so myself), Poisoned Chalice drummer Ben Richardson, and bassist Nico Staub, Intranced formed in 2022 and have since developed at an alarming rate. 2022 saw the release of their self titled debut EP. 2023’s Rogue Warrior EP quickly followed. Now, in 2024, Intranced have wasted no time at all with their debut full length effort, Muerte y Metal, and boy is it a trip down traditional metal memory lane.

In the case of many modern NWOTHM releases, a solid half of Muerte y Metal can be described as one dimensional and at times expected. Upbeat cuts like “Reyes de las tinieblas”, “Fantasy”, and “Lady Lightning” give off some “NWOTHM before it fell of the deep end of cliché and cringe” vibes, reminiscent of the scene’s aforementioned late ’00s/early ’10s heyday. The use of Spanish lyrics on “Reyes” draws some perhaps unfair Barón Rojo comparisons, but considering they’re arguably Spain’s finest metal export, I could think of worse bands to be measured up to.

Where Intranced excels is not by merely parroting the traditions of yesteryear, but by stepping outside of the conventional trad. metal box. In an age where bands of this vein choose one of two paths (Priest worship or Maiden worship), Intranced bravely treads a side road where very few NWOTHM acts dare voyage: the Def Leppard path. Yes, you read that correctly. Whether it be the bodacious “Switchblade”, colossal title track, or flat out Pyromania romanticism of “Pulse”, Intranced conjure the hard and heavy magic of Sheffield’s finest better than Leppard themselves have in 40 years. Bibiano layers his guitar parts with the same precision and swagger as Steve “Steamin” Clark and Pete Willis, while Luna’s vocal delivery on these more melodic cuts eerily recall that of a twenty something year old Joe Elliott.

With all due respect to the rough and ready headbanging, fist-pumping fun of Muerte y Metal‘s faster paced cuts, I’d love to see Intranced expand upon this melodic, hook-laden, Leppard-esque formula in the future. This is a band of top tier musicians with a freakish ability to construct top tier songs. Hell, if this were a 4 song EP of “Switchblade”, “Pulse”, “Muerte y Metal”, and “I Dunno Nothin'” (strong Thin Lizzy vibes on that one), we’d be talking year end list material here. However, what we have instead is pleasant nevertheless, and guaranteed to lighten the mood of even the trvest headbanger.

6 out of 10

Label: High Roller Records

Genre: Heavy Metal

For fans of: Def Leppard, Night Demon, Diamond Head

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