Necrowretch – The Ones from Hell

For over a decade, Necrowretch has been terrorizing the masses with their hellish hybrid of black and death metal. For most bands, this hybrid is one that either results in success or mediocrity. Necrowretch falls into the former and continues their winning streak with their latest album, The Ones from Hell.

The album begins with a gentle acoustic intro that’d almost have the listener fooled before turning into a plodding riff. We slowly descend before being consumed in “Pure Hellfire”. This song is a black metal blur complete with blast beats, tremolo riffing, and agonizing vocals from frontman Vlad. These blackened characteristics dominate on the evil “Luciferian Sovantry” and furious closer, “Necrowretch”.

From the first couple tracks, one would think breakneck is the only speed Necrowretch knows. This is until we get to the title track. Mid paced and menacing, it’s on these slower tracks that the “death metal” in Necrowretch’s blackened death metal sound stands out. The riffs and song structures sound like they could’ve been written by the late Chuck Schuldiner while possessed by an ancient Scandinavian demon. My favorite track, “Codex Obscuritas”, does an exceptional job utilizing this approach. It begins with an absolute dirge of a riff before picking up just enough for the listener to headbang without breaking their neck. They’ll need it anyways for “Darkness Supreme” which falls somewhere between the mid and fast paced tracks.

Instrumentals such as “Absolute Evil” and “Through the Black Abyss” do a good job rounding out this album. By no means is Necrowretch revolutionizing extreme metal, but they’re a cut above most in their style. The Ones from Hell is proof positive that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Hopefully Necrowretch never fixes it.

6 out of 10

Label: Season of Mist

Genre: Blackened Death Metal

For fans of: Dissection, Necrophobic, Death