Hey you! When was the last time you listened to an all out hard rock album? You know, the type of hard rock album that makes you want to kick up your feet, crack open a cold one, and soak up the sun (Sheryl Crow reference unintended). 4th of July weekend is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time of year to indulge in such stylings. Leave it to American rock icon Steve Whiteman of Kix to deliver such a release just in time for upcoming the holiday weekend. After 40+ years as the frontman of Kix, Whiteman is stepping out on his own with his debut solo release, You’re Welcome.
Considering we seldom get new Kix albums (it’s been 7 years since Rock Your Face Off), You’re Welcome is a real treat, if only to hear Whiteman’s unmistakable voice on record, untouched by time since the Blow My Fuse days. While You’re Welcome contains a handful of tracks that wouldn’t sound out of place on a Kix album, and features appearances from Whiteman’s past and present Kix bandmates Jimmy Chalfant (drums) and Brad Divens (guitars), by no means is it a Kix album under a different name. Musically, You’re Welcome has much more in common with the hard rock heroes of Whiteman’s youth. The straightforward “Easy”, gutsy “Talking Bout Luv”, and high energy blooze of “Lightning Bolt” recall 70s titans Aerosmith and Humble Pie.
Some characteristics this album does have in common with the Kix canon (or should it be spelled “kanon”) are its carefree spirit and over the top, innuendo filled lyrics. Whiteman’s tongue must’ve been planted firmly in cheek when writing and singing songs like “Strip”, “Do Me Like You Done Before”, “Tug of Luv”, and the so subtly titled “Prick Teaser”. Critics and full time curmudgeons tend to dog 80s hard rock/glam metal for this juvenile approach. And yes, while it can be quite cliché, sometimes a loud and proud anthem about doing the dirty is all you need. I never understood why everyone in the metal world is so serious, or at least puts up a front pretending to be such. Not everything needs to be about demons, darkness, and death.
Buried in between all the explicit lyrics and gritty riffs is my choice cut, “Kid Dynamite”. It takes a lot for a ballad to stand out to me, let alone be the standout track on an album. Whiteman bares his heart and soul in this genuine tribute to Kix guitarist Ronnie Younkins. A founding member of the band, Younkins is currently on leave from the band after years of battling substance abuse. I hope for both his sake and the band’s, Younkins can get back on track and rock out again. The urgency of Whiteman’s voice on “Kid Dynamite” says it all.
If you’re a Kix fan, or just a hard rock fan in general, You’re Welcome will serve as a welcome addition to your CD shelf. This isn’t a throwaway pet project meant to be played once and forgotten. You’re Welcome stands toe to toe with the finest moments in Kixtory (Blow My Fuse, Hot Wire, etc.). Get it? Anyone?
7 out of 10
Label: Independent
Genre: Hard Rock
For fans of: Kix, Aerosmith, Humble Pie
Preorders for You’re Welcome are available here: https://www.rightrocksportswear.com/kix/steve-youre-welcome