War Ripper – Strength in Numbers

As each day of 2020 goes by, more unexpected events happen. You know the year is a roller coaster when the revival of Joel Grind’s War Ripper project is one of the least surprising things to happen. However, all kidding aside, War Ripper’s return is a surprise. It’s been 13 years since Grind last released anything under the War Ripper moniker, their debut EP Hellstorm (2007). In the time that’s passed since, his main band, Toxic Holocaust, has released music and toured relentlessly, becoming close to a household name. He’s also released a Bathory worship album (2013’s The Yellowgoat Sessions), dabbled in everything from surf rock to synthwave, and produced enough bands to fill an encyclopedia. He could very well be candidate for metal’s “Most Interesting Man in the World”.

I should be a fan of Strength in Numbers. War Ripper sounds like the filth ridden spawn of Venom and Discharge. Not to mention, I’ve always enjoyed Hellstorm. Unfortunately, there’s something about Strength in Numbers that just doesn’t click. This speaks volumes considering there’s very few Joel Grind projects/releases I can say this about. Unlike HellstormStrength in Numbers feels rushed. The first four tracks are by the numbers metallic crust set to d-beat. Blink and they’ll be gone. There’s nothing wrong with this approach. Hellstorm follows the same formula. The difference on Strength in Numbers is that the riffs aimlessly blend, one to the next, without distinction. Add to that the repetitive Discharge-esque lyrics which miss the mark (“No Way Out”), and you’ve got a recipe for monotony.

The only real shining light on here is the sporadic thrashy breakdowns as heard on “Abuse Through Power”, “Trust What You Know”, and the best track, “Hit Reset”. Other than that, the only “dis” that can properly sum up this EP is “disappointing”. Hopefully a future War Ripper release boasts more substance. I guess we’ll wait another 13 years and see.

5 out of 10

Label: Independent

Genre: Crust Punk

For fans of: Toxic Holocaust, Discharge, Venom