Back in the days of yore, prior to the digitalization of the music industry, album release dates were set in stone. If new music from a band was somehow leaked to the public in any capacity, it was a crime punishable by death, or at the very least a lifetime concert ban courtesy of Axl Rose. Those days, however, are long since gone, a distant memory of how things used to be. Instead, we get instances like that of which occurred to Colombian blackened thrashers Witchtrap last month, in which their (66)sixth studio album, Hungry as the Beast, was leaked early thanks to the good folks at CDBaby.
Out of respect to the band, I patiently awaited until the proper release date of May 8 to explore and review this latest release. However, this was no easy task. Witchtrap has been on regular rotation for this here maniac since my earliest days of college at the very least. It was the hellish sounds of bands like Witchtrap, Midnight, and Bewitcher that got me through an equally hellish freshman year, giving me the raw energy to beat the bastards down when needed. Fast forward some 7 odd years later and I can still rely on this veteran power trio to give me a stronger blast of adrenaline than a keg of Red Bull.
If you’re familiar with Witchtrap’s past output, then you already know what awaits on Hungry as the Beast and are in for a treat. If not, allow me to elaborate. These steadfast headbangers specialize in pure blackened thrash rage akin to Sentence of Death era Destruction. Their formula of ripping riffage, breakneck speed, and rotten production sound straight out of ’84. Just get a load of the no frills attack of cuts like “Built for the Kill”, “Ruthless Aggression”, and “Cauldron of Abominations”. When it comes to this kind of metal, a simple riff and a shout along chorus go a long way. Witchtrap absolutely nail it as always.
Admittedly, some songs are more blackened than others. “Heirs to the Power of Evil” sounds straight off Sodom’s In the Sign of Evil: A masterclass in first wave black metal worship and simultaneously more kvlt than your favorite on the rise panda faced dorks. The filthy “Satanism” can best be described as blackened motörcharged metalpunk for the dark one, while the emphasis on menacing, midtempo riffs on “Invocation” recall Venom at their grimmest and gives me the feral urge to pick a fight. Closing it all out is the aptly titled “Lightning Attack”, which is guaranteed to split you in half with its turbo fueled velocity.
Over 30 years into their storied career and Witchtrap remain as Hungry as the Beast, ready to devour the false and the weak who stand in their way. So will you after blasting this short and anything but sweet rager of an album into your earholes. Forget what the hipster crop tries to pedal as the latest and greatest in the black and/or thrash metal field. Take it from your old pal Joe and turn this one up to 11! I haven’t steered you wrong thus far…have I?
8 out of 10
Label: Dirty Sound Records
Genre: Black/Thrash Metal
For fans of: Destruction, Sodom, Venom