Mindless Sinner – Poltergeist

Since their reformation in 2014, Swedish cult heroes Mindless Sinner have stormed the European festival circuit and released an excellent comeback album in The New Messiah (2015). It only makes sense they’d follow it up with an even stronger album, Poltergeist. Many of Mindless Sinner’s underground peers have returned in recent years, only to release underwhelming albums. There’s many reasons as to why. Some say poor songwriting and production is to blame. Others claim these bands just “don’t have it anymore”. The biggest culprit is usually an attempt to jump on the modern metal/rock bandwagon. Thankfully, Mindless Sinner does not have to worry about these dilemmas. Poltergeist is everything a traditional metal album should be. 

The album begins with its relentless title track. Spearheaded by a twin lead riff, pounding drums, and “Woah oh oh” intro, “Poltergeist” demands your attention. It’s heavy, melodic, and infectious. The entire album follows this formula. Every song is equally memorable with not a dull moment from beginning to end. It’s hard to even choose which songs are favorites. If I had to pick 3, I’m going with the title track, “Rewind the Future”, and “Hammer of Thor”; the latter which shows the band embracing their epic side. Other songs that include fantastical lyrical content are “Valkyrie” and “Altar of the King”. These lyrics, coupled with the ferocious guitar duo of Magnus Danneblad and  Jerker Edman, results in songs that are more convincing than 99% of so called “power metal” bands today. 

Poltergeist ends with a great mid paced anthem, “Roll the Dice”. The chorus reads: “It’s a game if you’re lucky to win. You’ll get thousands of likes.” While I believe they’re singing of the modern day evil that is social media, this song can be interpreted another way. Mindless Sinner have rolled the figurative dice and won. They’ve won big time. I don’t just like Poltergeist. I love it. If you’re a fan of classic heavy metal, you will too. 

9 out of 10

Label: Pure Steel Records

Genre: Heavy Metal

For fans of: Saxon, Riot, Axe Witch