Shadow Warrior – Cyberblade

About a week and a half ago, I got an email from Ossuary Records. It began, “I’d like to submit another album for review on your site.” Another? Perhaps my mind is failing me. I don’t recall reviewing any other albums from this label, but I digress. The album enclosed was Cyberblade, the debut album from Shadow Warrior. Here’s a concept: A Polish band with lyrics about Japan and music rooted in early 80s British and American metal. Talk about an international affair!

Cyberblade caught my attention right from the beginning. It’s catchy, raw, and old school; throwback metal done right! Perhaps it’s the hard rocking swagger of the opening title track and “Iron Hawk Rising”, but I can’t help but recall the heavier moments of Pat Benatar’s early albums. Frontwoman Anna Kłos sings with the same ferocity and tenacity as Benatar, while backed up by an absolute powerhouse of a band.

On other songs, Shadow Warrior channels the spirit of speed metal sentinels, Acid. From the punkish snarl of “Demolition Hammer”, to the double bass in your face assault that is “Squadrons of Steel”, it’s no wonder Sabbat/Metalucifer mastermind Gezol took notice of this upcoming outfit. Mr. Heavy Metal Da-rill himself collaborated with the band on their March 2020 single, “Heavy Metal Typhoon”. There are other various influences which show throughout. The lead guitars have that Maiden sensibility to them, while the riffs are packed with primal energy: primal energy that has long been extinct.

In a world where other so called NWOTHM bands are obsessed with keeping the production squeaky clean, their attempts at aping Thundersteel in vain, Shadow Warrior keeps it simple and stripped down. This isn’t arena metal. This is metal for sweaty, jam packed basements on a Saturday night. As the decade continues, I hope Shadow Warrior continues to wield their katanas, obliterating the weak one riff at a time.

7 out of 10

Label: Ossuary Records

Genre: Heavy Metal

For fans of: Acid, Metalucifer, Paul Di’Anno era Iron Maiden